I Heart Huckabees

I Heart Huckabees - ***
When movies involve wide sweeping satire, they walk a fine line between wit and sacrilege. In my opinion, Saved! overstepped that line, and managed to alienate America's largest religion. With I Heart Huckabees, David O Russell takes a satirical look at the world of existentialism, and creates a wide variety of the archetypical characters used in movies that revolve around this often overlooked school of thought. To portray these characters, an exceptional cast including Dustin Hoffman, Lily Tomlin, Jason Schwartzman, Mark Wahlberg, Jude Law and Naomi Watts. These actors elevate the film greatly, even in moments that are thin on actual content. The screenplay is often brilliant, yet dull at other points, and the film runs 5-10 minutes too long. I also felt as if there were a few moments in which the existentialist was mocked more than likely deserved, although their is an applaudable amount of discussion regarding the topic within the film. All in all, while a few moments were less than flawless, I Heart Huckabees is a rewarding drama/comedy that warrants a viewing for anyone who wants to be entertained without having their intelligence insulted. Thumbs up.
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