
Sideways - ****
Sideways is a novel adaptation by Alexander Payne, the mind behind Election and About Schmidt, and feels alot like Swingers with heart. The film takes place in wine country California and follows two men named Miles and Jack (played by Paul Giamatti and Thomas Hayden Church) as they go on one last road trip before Jack walks down the aisle. I'll clue you in on a little secret: it's not about the plot, but the characters. Paul Giamatti is absolutely flawless in the lead role, and after 2 consecutive years of Oscar snubs, one wonders if the Academy has it out for him. Thomas Hayden Church is also excellent in that he is able to make his character entirely sympathetic while not stealing Miles' thunder. The two leading ladies are lovely, although one would gravitate towards Virginia Madsen when heaping praise upon the supporting cast. The writing us superb, and with pure talent on board to transform the script to screen so well, it's no wonder that the film has become 2004's critical darling. Thumbs up.
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