The Incredibles

The Incredibles - ****1/2
35 days, and over 300 million dollars worth of box office revenue after its release, The Incredibles is still the much discussed and praised film it originally was. I personally missed out on it for this amount of time, but in that period of time the only film I believe I caught was Finding Neverland, and I certainly don't regret that. However, this sophomore effort from writer and director Brad Bird (The Iron Giant) both lives up to the reputation of it's much beloved predecessor and surpasses it. Once again utilizing a host of talented actors for voices such as Holly Hunter, Craig T Nelson, Samuel L Jackson and Jason Lee, The Incredibles has that same familiarity which made Shrek so watchable. What Shek didn't have, however, were plausible action scenes that are not made any less astounding by the fact that they happen to be animated. This is a smart, funny action/comedy that entertains throughout. I almost gave it the ***** (or 9), but I felt as if while it is wholly fulfilling and entertaining, it doesn't seem like the movie that will leave a lasting impact. About as well written, directed and performed popcorn gets. Thumbs up
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