
Saved! - **
For all the heat that movie companies take for racial stereotyping, this movie proves that they don't do very well at majorities on screen either. Saved is a scathing critique (almost a hatchet job) on Christianity which makes almost no attempt to specify between orthodox and modernized Christianity; choosing to open fire on any Christ follower in sight. I've never met a single Christian in my life as phony and prejudiced as Hilary Faye (played really quite well by Mandy Moore), yet Brian Dannelly seems to think that her type represents the majority. Of course, the more enlightened non-Christians are able to alert us to the error of our ways by the end, and of course Hilary Faye apologises for all the bad things she's done, choosing to take her anger out on Jesus instead. This is Hollywood, remember, it's the Jesus movies that get ravaged, not the anti-Jesus ones. Thumbs down.
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